Monday, April 28, 2008

Earth Day Celebration Nearing End

Our special Earth Day promotion is nearing an end. We invited all of our myspace friends to join in and get free shipping for any item we have on eBay or our website. They could also encourage their friends to become Heffy's friend and get in on the savings. We still have some incredible items left for anyone who wishes to take advantage of this deal.

This splashy floral blouse from Graff Californiawear ends today on eBay

This beauty ends Wednesday (still in time for free shipping!) on eBay

And for the guys, New Old Stock pants in

Don't wait until it's too late! Grab these up now and get Free Shipping if you are Heffy's myspace friend!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Earth Day Promotion Continues

Just a reminder that Heffy's Earth Day free shipping continues with our myspace friends. Won't you join us? We have some really cool rockabilly gear for you-but that's not all-be sure to check it out! We'll be announcing our second band/musician joining us for Earth Day on Sunday 4/20. Stay tuned-it's going to be great!

Here's a look at some of our rockabilly fashions:

a shirt for the guys on eBay

a dress for the gals on eBay

a full circle gingham dream dress in Heffy's Collections

new old stock (with original tags) in our store

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Earth Day continues & Happy Birthday!

It's time to wish Becky a Happy Birthday!

Our Earth Day Celebration continues with Happy Days, a band from Israel, as our first featured band. We have many items of clothing available, both on eBay (user ID heffy26) and in our store. Be sure to check them out! We adding more all the time, so keep checking. You may find the perfect piece just for you!

Here are 2 we have on eBay right now:
on eBay
a pretty '70's floral for the women

also on eBay
the perfect disco shirt for the guys in super silky Qiana

We will reveal our second featured band on April 20th, so be sure to keep an eye out for that. All of our myspace friends are getting a special deal. Join us, won't you, and help save resources by wearing vintage. While you're there, wish Becky a BIG Happy Birthday!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Join Now!

It's time to join us on myspace for the Earth Day promotion! All of Heffy's friends will be able to get any item (or more) with free shipping anywhere. This will run from April 15 to April 30. If you purchase from us on eBay or Heffy's Collections, you will have no cost to ship it to you (that's FREE) anywhere in the world! Just join Heffy on myspace to take advantage of this offer.

During this Earth Day celebration, we will feature 3 bands/musicians on our myspace page. Starting tomorrow, the featured band is Happy Days. They do '50's and '60's music, great "old school" rock and roll. The band's singer, Lior, has his own favorites from his playlist (and we have ours). Not sure which song we'll have on, you'll have to check out our myspace page to find out!

These pants are one of the items we're offering. They're new with tags and vintage, or new old stock. They fit right in with Happy Days!

on eBay

And for the women:

in Heffy's store

So join us now and celebrate Earth Day-recycle, wear vintage!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Earth Day

Heffy's Collections is doing a promotion for Earth Day. Why Earth Day? First, I have to digress some. At the risk of drawing accusations of blasphemy, I'm not that into going "green". I tend to eschew anything trendy. If it's in, the chances are it's more expensive and harder to achieve or acquire. When SUVs were the vehicle of choice, the prices were out of sight. Now, it's hybrids. Since junior high, I haven't tried to be "in". It just didn't suit my personality. I'm not against green though. I recycle papers and wish our city did plastic, glass, and cans. I don't drive very much. It's just that everybody is jumping on the green bandwagon. Even our beloved Sabres have gone green ("blue and yellow make green" is the slogan). Cleaning supplies, the epitome of chemicals in action, are going green. Gas companies (are you kidding?) are in it too. Enough of that, back to the subject of why Earth Day?

We chose Earth Day for a promotion because the people who wear vintage and love vintage are doing their share for the planet and then some. The clothes were made long ago and the resources and materials have already been used. This is recycling at its finest. Instead of going to the mall and buying new, it's the perfect re-use. The clothing we sell is usually secondhand even if it's not vintage. Clothing hits the environment in so many ways. Natural fiber like cotton needs fertilizer, pesticides, and petroleum products to be grown and produced. Synthetic fabrics such as polyester begin with the same process and materials used to make plastic bottles (i.e. crude oil). If a person chooses to re-use one outfit rather than buying new, it can help. Even tiny steps are good ones.

In trolling through information on saving the environment and going green, I saw very little mention of wearing vintage clothing. There was quite a bit of advice to re-use the clothing you have, like using worn out socks for cleaning and ripping up old sweatshirts for rags or a rag rug. I think it's possible to do a lot more by slowly changing one's wardrobe to vintage and second-hand clothing. The great part of that is developing your very own personalized style. You can mix eras, you can go all one (like mod). It's yours and no one else's style. I think that's a beautiful thing.

Here's one we have coming up that is truly unique:

Check out all of our stuff on eBay or our website