Monday, June 16, 2008


Back in February, we knew Heffy's Collections would have to move our location. Since it's an online retail business, this doesn't affect our customers in any way (unless we can't find something during the move-just kidding!). We're excited, because Becky will have a new place to live and we'll have a new setup for our business. Pretty nifty, we think. It should enable us to carry more stock, so we'll have a wider variety of items to offer.

We also made a tentative agreement with a local estate sales/appraiser for clothing. We'll have more room and hopefully a bunch of juicy goodies for stock. We're not looking forward to the actual act of moving (does anybody?), but it should be a great bonus for us. We're going to do our best to offer more during this time, so make sure you keep checking to see what we have for you. Here are a couple:
Ending tonight on eBay-don't miss out!

on eBay and it's gorgeous!

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